Snail Tale


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Cette mini bande dessinée a été publiée par le studio de risographie et maison d’édition hongrois Hurrikan Press.
J’évoque dans ce livre, à grand renfort d’escargots, l’histoire de ma grand-mère née en Hongrie.

Cette publication est en anglais.

This mini comics was published by the Budapest-based publishing house Hurrikan Press.

10 years after the death of her beloved grandmother, Ophélie started to learn Hungarian and spending time in Hungary. She met Nora, her grandmother’s sister who remained in the country when her sister fled in 1956. Snail Tale is a very personal yet universal story about identity, langage and family. Description by Hurrikan Press.

English proofreading by Johanna Ács.   

2023 / format A5 / 20 pages / Risography / Published by Hurrikan Press